CycleOps USA started as a small 'boutique' business in my garage back in 2007 designing and hand crafting a limited selection of parts for Victory Motorcycles. As my happy customer base grew, so did my dreams of doing this full time and going all in. Fast forward to today, Summer of 2016, and now my dream of doing what I love is fulfilled, now with hundreds of items in various finishes to fill up this website. I personally work each and every part that leaves here to assure the unequalled quality and customer satisfaction my clients have grown to expect.
Besides the quality and innovation, one other thing that hasn't changed in 9 years is my love of making these parts for you, my customer, my brother or sister of the road. For without you, I couldn't live my dream.
Enjoy the new site and do give any feedback on how I can improve it further still. Thanks for coming by!
Humbly yours,
Will Molino